SEC Auditors that are recommended by Equisolve Clients
Below is a list of SEC Auditors / Public Auditors that should be on your short list when selecting an Auditing Firm:
When choosing a PCAOB registered SEC audit firm / public auditor, a company needs to consider the following:
- Does the auditing firm perform SEC audits full time, or do they dabble in auditing public companies?
- What level of attention will I get from the managing partner? Other staff?
- Is the auditor registered with the United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”)
- Does the Auditing Firm offer flexible fee structure?
- Is the price of the services fixed, or can their be a variation?
- Will they provide access to staff after normal working hours?
- Will they lay out an engagement plan prior to starting work?
- What is the auditor’s working style?
Does your SEC Audit Firm Focus on:
- Audits and interim reviews of public companies (Form 10K, 10Q, 8K, S-1),
- Private companies going public either in a reverse merger or self filing
- Outsourced CFO services to public and private companies